Luxembourg HQ

+352 26 45 51


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Since some years, SeeReal uses SmartEye solutions for eye-tracking in the automotive field. The solution is qualified since the combination of cameras (Pro DX / XO) and software (SmartEye Pro) allows for precise X, Y and Z-tracking of the observers

Mid of October the 6G NeXt project was kicked off in Berlin. The research project is part of the "6G industry projects for research into integrated systems and sub-technologies for 6th generation mobile communications" program, which is funded by Germany’s

SeeReal published selected aspects of Head-up display (HUD) prototyping in the Optica-Journal “Applied Optics, Vol. 61, No. 5 / 10 February 2022”. A real-time, large-depth holographic HUD is demonstrated with SeeReal’s encoding technology based on an LCOS platform. Further developments are in