Advanced media technologies for business and leisure, such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and holographic communications, are on the rise. However, the current user experience is not yet fully immersive. This is, among others, due to the high-interactivity nature of the associated services and its requirements in terms of intensive bandwidth and extremely low latency. The new EU project CHARITY – “Cloud for Holography and Cross Reality” – will tackle these challenges by developing an open source framework and tools for the intelligent use of network resources.
CHARITY will develop a cloud architecture that will be based on edge computing solutions, autonomous orchestration of computing and network resources, application-driven interfacing, mechanisms for smart, adaptive and efficient resource management, strong community involvement, and compatibility with infrastructure vendors.
In this way, CHARITY will enable novel media applications to deliver an immersive and highly interactive user experience. The project will prove the feasibility of its solutions via three use cases.
SeeReal Technologies is member of the consortium and will provide the holographic assistant use case, adopting the physical principles „diffraction and interference of light“ to enable real 3D holography, based on very sophisticated custom optical components and algorithms. This lays the foundation for showing a butler-like avatar in 3D space on a holographic 3D display with true depth and true eye focus – for your eyes it is like natural viewing. The butler shall react to natural language and assists by providing information gathered from the cloud or the internet. Beside the 3D holographic presentation, this use case enables a lot of sophisticated and challenging services and new technology to be developed and implemented in the CHARITY cloud – streaming 3D point cloud generation, handling and transcoding; speech recognition, synthesis and interpretation; access to and merging of different information sources and services – just to name some.