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Comfortable and natural eye focus at proper depth
Depth of focus and image blur as in real life

Natural eye focus
Eye accommodation (AKA eye focus) is not fixated on the physical display as in pure Stereoscopic 3D displays.
Natural depth
Image content of any kind is properly placed in space by real holograms – and crisply sharp at any depth.
Natural viewing
No difference to natural viewing for the human visual system – same depth cues provided.
Immerse, interact and be amazed
Experience the horizon where it belongs – at the horizon

Unlimited 3D depth
Arm's reach to infinity

Unlimited 3D depth
Arm's reach to infinity

No depth limit
Expect virtual objects or „holographic reconstructions“ of real things anywhere in 3D space. There is no 3D depth limit.
Your window
A holographic 3D display becomes your window to the world as you know it – or want it to be.
True depth
Real holographic reconstruction places objects where they belong in the real world, not near a display screen.
Gaze through glass or clouds
and feel your eyes refocus
Motion parallax, even in still frames –
because 3D objects are positioned in real space

Look around or see through ...
All visual 3D cues

Look around
Look around objects or maintain stationary perspectives? You decide.
Everybody can see it
Even „stereo-handicapped“ viewers can see holographic 3D, as they can see 3D in real life.
Occluded information
People see the world in 3D with both eyes or even with one eye closed – believe us, occluded information does exist …
Scalable holographic 3D
High-end desktop gaming, medical imaging, automotive night vision… Your choice — Holographic 3D based on direct view or projection technology

Supports AR holographic projection
Project holographic 3D (H3D) into space using tailored micro displays for HMD and HUD applications.
Existing technology
Existing flat panel display component solutions adapted to holographic 3D specifications.
Direct view H3D platforms scaled up for desktop or TV, scaled down for mobile use.
Choose your application
Desktop, TV, Mobile, Head-mounted