What others wrote … Learn more about how eye tracking plays a critical role in SeeReal 3D holographic technology for in-vehicle displays
Since some years, SeeReal uses SmartEye solutions for eye-tracking in the automotive field. The solution is qualified since the combination of cameras (Pro DX / XO) and software (SmartEye Pro) allows for precise X, Y and Z-tracking of the observers
SeeReal published selected aspects of Head-up display prototyping
SeeReal published selected aspects of Head-up display (HUD) prototyping in the Optica-Journal “Applied Optics, Vol. 61, No. 5 / 10 February 2022”. A real-time, large-depth holographic HUD is demonstrated with SeeReal’s encoding technology based on an LCOS platform. Further developments are in
Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year
Many thanks to all customers and partners for the valuable video calls and fruitful collaborations even in these difficult times. We look forward to 2022, to new challenges, new success stories and more in-person meetings. Kind regards from the whole team
REALHOLO Newsletter
SeeReal participates in a consortium of partner companies and institutions developing next generation phase-of-light modulators based on micro-mirror technology. During a first project phase, concepts were reviewed and validated , specifications were defined and verified and first design activities were
The Saxony innovation price 2021 first place goes to … SeeReal 👍
The Saxony innovation conference took place on 14th of July in a hybrid form - the event was also streamed on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook. More than 700 people attended. Visit this page for more information about the event (german):
2018 European Holographic Display New Product Innovation Award conferred to SeeReal Technologies
SeeReal Technologies recently received the "2018 European Holographic Display New Product Innovation Award". Below some information about Frost & Sullivan's research is shown. The gallery at the end shows some pictures from the ceremony.Frost & Sullivan has noted that multiple
SeeReal @ Worldwide Business with kathy ireland®
Unique and patented technology solutions for real-time holographySeeReal has developed disruptive solutions for real holographic 3D displays, with a goal to set a new market standard for electronic displays. With their extensive background in development and manufacture of Stereoscopic 3D (S3D)