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Since some years, SeeReal uses SmartEye solutions for eye-tracking in the automotive field. The solution is qualified since the combination of cameras (Pro DX / XO) and software (SmartEye Pro) allows for precise X, Y and Z-tracking of the observers

SeeReal published selected aspects of Head-up display (HUD) prototyping in the Optica-Journal “Applied Optics, Vol. 61, No. 5 / 10 February 2022”. A real-time, large-depth holographic HUD is demonstrated with SeeReal’s encoding technology based on an LCOS platform. Further developments are in

Unique and patented technology solutions for real-time holographySeeReal has developed disruptive solutions for real holographic 3D displays, with a goal to set a new market standard for electronic displays. With their extensive background in development and manufacture of Stereoscopic 3D (S3D)